Recovery activities

This school year we continue with the activities of recovery of the native forest, this time with the students of the IES of Chapela and in the communal forest of this parish, which gave this large plot to obtain a future forest park in Chapela, which will serve as a recreation area for citizens and as a place for out door training. This area is privileged for its proximity to the football field of Chapela, for its panoramic views of the estuary and also because it is next to the source of the river Pugariño. This river flows into Arealonga beach and is home to some impressive mills with aqueducts and monumental well buckets. Each tree planted is marked with the name of the students who planted it, so that people respect the effort of the students and that when they grow up they can walk around and feel proud to say: “I planted this tree”, so we ask for the collaboration of the citizens to take care of this space.

These activities are fundamental to ensure that young people are able to differentiate our riverside trees, our fruit trees and other native trees. We also seek that through the individual and group effort of the students, they become more deeply connected with our forests and participate in their care in the future.

We would like to give special recognition to the Community of Montes de Chapela, who authorised the planting on their land where there used to be eucalyptus and acacia trees. We are also grateful for the collaboration of the Redondela Town Council, which provided 100 trees to carry out this environmental education activity.

We provide below the links to the news of the media that echoed the activity: